Welcome to our parish, Blessed Sacrament Catholic church!
 click here to read more about us.
October is the Month
of Holy Rosary 
  -  Holy Rosary
  -  Litany of Bl.  Virgin Mary
  -  Memorare Prayer
  -  encourage a friend to pray          the Holy Rosary
  -  three Hail Mary's 
  -  Make rosaries & distribute
Little things      we can do to honor Blessed Mother:
Jesus, brightness of eternal light ... Have mercy on us
Holy Mother of God ... Pray for us 
St. Pio of Pietrelcina,  ... Pray for us
Feast of John XXIII, Pope
October 11
Feast of St. Luke, Apostle
October 18
Feast day of St. Pio (Pius) of Pietrelcina, Priest
September 23